Monday, 15 February 2016


Information they say is power, he walked up to me and asked what can he do in place of jogging, running, dancing because he is a shy person and can no longer engage in such acts again because the people in his environment might call him insane, he was shocked at my reply. Everything we need to live a healthy life is all around us.
What can we do to maintain and boost our life zones whilst also hindering its progression?
I base my issues on facts and that is why you shall be seeing more of statistical information. According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O) every individual should always do three basic things. These are; Rest, Exercise and Balanced diet
W.H.O test have found that:
Rest contributes 10% to a good health
Exercise contributes 10% to a good health
Diet contributes 80% to a good health

We are advised to rest or sleep for at least 5hours at night and one hour as nap during the day but today, many people do not meet up this requirements:  they are too busy with work and the stresses of life that they hardly rest. I understand that there are some other factors which result to stress especially in a busy environment like Lagos but time management is a key issue not just to our business but also to our body. Rest does the following:
  • It improves mental alertness
  • It calms the nerves and Prevents hyper activeness
  • It aids digestion and proper metabolism of energy etc

This is an important factor if we want good health. It includes climbing the stairs, jogging, running, cycling, skipping, press-ups, dancing and even sex (for married people only) is a form of exercise but you must note that engaging in sex everyday will only shorten your life span, you must have the right balance of diet to replace what has been lost so you don’t sex yourself out of this world at an early age.
Sex as an exercise is a huge topic that will be treated on its own. Benefits of exercise are:
  • It helps the blood to circulate properly
  • It increases energy
  • It helps the joint to be flexible
  • It helps one to grow and look younger
  • It stimulates proper functioning of the heart brain and kidney.

This is the most important of all because it contributes 80% to a good health. Our body requires we eat balanced diet then what is balanced diet.
A balanced diet contains all the food nutrients in the right proportion or quantity. These meals are referred to as “The Chain of Life”. These are Carbohydrates, Protein, Minerals, Enzymes, Vitamins, and Lipid and sterols.
Diet is a key factor to human life, we shall be focusing on it in our next edition.

For Nutrional consult/advise, diagnosis, Slim and Trim, Chronic diseases etc, feel free to reach out to our hotline 07080226027 or send an email to, BB pin 23BC53E6


My dear friend called me asking what medication he should use to increase his sexual power because his wife complains that he is no longer the man he was when she met him. After the first icing, he can’t try to do the second.  I laughed and asked him a question: Are you the same man you were back in secondary school days? His answer was NO.

Valentine has come and gone with many people having mixed feelings about how they felt with their spouse, some saw it as a day to prove a point to him/her.

Answering my friends question further as I have promised earlier to feed you with lots of information and also help provide solutions to those illness you are about to give up on or occur in your life or body thereby ensuring a longer life span, good health and depreciation in the rise of chronic diseases across the nation.

“A problem known is half solved”. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every individual passes through three (3) zones of life. What zone of life do u belong to? You shall find out soon.

VIBRANT ZONE: These are people between the ages of 0-25 years. This is the age whereby your cells are very vibrant and active. You can afford to physically do anything you wish. You can run, jump, and play football among other things. You will agree with me if you can remember all you did at this age as a little child or teenager.

TIRED ZONE: Ages 25-50 years.  As you pass through this zone, though you are still strong, your cells are getting tired and you can no longer do most of those things you used to do at a younger age. Your focus of life changes as you are much more concerned about making money, having a family, enjoying the money you’ve made as a young man or woman.

SICK ZONE: Some people refer to it as the dead zone. At age 50 years and above, we enter into this zone of life. Cells here are almost tired and sick. This is the age where all kinds of sickness and diseases begin to appear such as High blood pressure, Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer, Stroke.

Lots of questions might be going through your mind as regards that 27 year old girl who has stroke in relation to zones of life.(Sick Zone) while a 52 year old conductor is diagnosed to be healthy (Active Zone).
Truth must be told, the zones of life tells you what you should experience under normal circumstance of growth in life but many factors have militated it and that is why it is possible for a 15 year old boy to be diagnosed of High Blood pressure

The Zones of life explains why some 25 year old men can have sex for twenty (20) minutes without stop and still ask for more immediately, but as he grows older he manages just three (3) minutes of sex with regrets to back it up, the zones of life explains why a child injury get healed so fast while men 40 years and above are commonly known to have prostrate issues and Arthritis for women above 40 years.
Every individual has a right to choose the zone of life you will wish to belong to. Note that you can be 70 years and still belong to the active zone.

In our subsequent edition, we shall be discussing on what we can do to maintain and boost our life zones whilst also hindering its progression.

To my dear friend, I advise, you avoid using sexual stimulant drugs, alcohol e.t.c because they have their side effects on your organs and will only expose you further. Try to find out the actual cause of the problem, solution comes after and then your wife will have no reason to complain. We provide solutions to such issues. In the nearest future we shall be talking on the causes of such problems.

Your health is your most important asset, we take it very seriously.

Friday, 12 February 2016


Triggering into your heart, is the question “READING”, never heard of this kind of illness before? The truth be told, Reading is a chronic disease that does exist and it kills faster than HIV/AIDS.

Reading is a disease that kills patiently and at the same time abruptly. Sherman Alexie says”If one reads, one has a fighting chance. Or better, one’s chances of survival increase with each book/article one reads”. Reading helps us to understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean: they show us how to live and die

Reading heals the heart, the Doctor or Nutritionist will not provide you with all the information you need as regards your health. You have to help yourself to know your do's and dont's, how to improve on your health. You don't have to go to the hospital to learn about First Aid treatment, you can read about it online and apply it, thereby saving a life on application of what you have read. Reading helps boom your finances, create ideas, sincerely I can’t go on and on but when you fail to read, what happens? One becomes a time bomb about to explode beyond repairs, a sickness without cure, Ignorance becomes the logo even God acknowledges it in Hosea 4:6.

God acknowledges reading. The world is created by the word and the rules that guide the world are the word written by God and given to man to read and internalize Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
Imagine the world without rules and laws read out and transferred to generations. What will become of today?

Information is power, not your Neighbor, Leader or Relative. My recommendation to this chronic disease called “Reading” is never to take it for granted, engage in it, no matter how small it is, you might just be a step away from your solution. Reading saves lives, increases life span of people, gives hope, booms your finances, gives you the technique of a better life, and tells you how to manage a man or woman and many more. Sit up and get ready for Nutritional information about to come your way.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Change!!! Change!!! Change!!! Has actually come to our dear nation Nigeria. I find our political news interesting these days because the information I hear or read waohs me but I’m more concerned about the state of health of the Nigerian people. I am sure of a better Nigeria but have we made up our mind to change; I’m talking in terms of our nutrition/health. Are we ready to change our mindset/attitude towards our nutrition/health? That’s a question many People will not be able to answer. Speaking to so many Nigerians, you will hear words like “im healthy”,”not sick”, while some who are even sick will use words like: “I can manage”,” No money” until words like “after a brief illness”, “sudden death” occurs and a committee or panel is set up without findings and there will be money to celebrate the death inspite of the age.
Also, renowned organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), American Diabetes Association (ADA), Centre for Disease Control (CDC), National Cancer Institute (NCI), holds that the world is fast losing the health battle to deadly and chronic diseases. Furthermore, which is what gave birth to this information dissemination. Current research shows that the average life expectancy of a Nigerian is forty-seven (47) years which implies a great drop.
Research has made us to understand that in Nigeria, 20(%) percent of death comes from autocrash, witch hunting, war, earthquake etc while 80(%) percent of death comes from our way of life or diet meaning that we are the major cause of whatever happens to us. The witchcraft association must be tired by now with the blames accosted to them by people.
A lady suddenly wakes up, complains of migraine, uses the drugs available as recommended, yet, gets no solution. She criticizes or blames the Doctors or nurses for his ill state instead of changing a particular lifestyle which could be the major cause of the illness.
Change has come into Nigeria now but are we ready to change health wise. If the government brings in the best medical service and we don’t change the approach to our health we are as good as a bad government.
Statistics shows that at every three matured Nigerian, there is someone with either diabetics, hypertension, high cholesterol or infection.
Chronic diseases such as Stroke, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer etc where formerly an illness of the aged but we find this illness common among the youths of present day.

In our subsequent articles we shall be addressing most of these issues. Providing you with information which you would have taken for granted nutritionally and health wise. Ignorance is not an excuse in our present day. Hosea 4:6 ”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”.