What can we do to maintain and boost our life zones whilst also hindering its progression?
I base my issues on facts and that is why you shall be
seeing more of statistical information. According to the World Health Organization
(W.H.O) every individual should always do three basic things. These are; Rest,
Exercise and Balanced diet
W.H.O test have found that:
Rest contributes 10% to a good health
Exercise contributes 10% to a good health
Diet contributes 80% to a good health
We are advised to rest or sleep for at least 5hours at night
and one hour as nap during the day but today, many people do not meet up this
requirements: they are too busy with
work and the stresses of life that they hardly rest. I understand that there
are some other factors which result to stress especially in a busy environment
like Lagos but time management is a key issue not just to our business but also
to our body. Rest does the following:
- It improves mental alertness
- It calms the nerves and Prevents hyper activeness
- It aids digestion and proper metabolism of energy etc
This is an important factor if we want good health. It
includes climbing the stairs, jogging, running, cycling, skipping, press-ups,
dancing and even sex (for married people only) is a form of exercise
but you must note that engaging in sex everyday will only shorten your life span,
you must have the right balance of diet to replace what has been lost so you
don’t sex yourself out of this world at an early age.
Sex as an exercise is a
huge topic that will be treated on its own. Benefits of exercise are:
- It helps the blood to circulate properly
- It increases energy
- It helps the joint to be flexible
- It helps one to grow and look younger
- It stimulates proper functioning of the heart brain and kidney.
This is the most important of all because it contributes 80%
to a good health. Our body requires we eat balanced diet then what is balanced
A balanced diet contains all the food nutrients in the right
proportion or quantity. These meals are referred to as “The Chain of Life”. These are Carbohydrates, Protein, Minerals,
Enzymes, Vitamins, and Lipid and sterols.
Diet is a key factor to human life, we shall be focusing on it in our next edition.
For Nutrional consult/advise, diagnosis, Slim and Trim, Chronic diseases etc, feel free to reach out to our hotline 07080226027 or send an email to teetalkshealth@gmail.com, BB pin 23BC53E6