Triggering into your heart, is the question “READING”, never heard of this kind of illness before? The
truth be told, Reading is a chronic disease that does exist and it kills faster than
Reading is a disease that kills patiently and at the same
time abruptly. Sherman Alexie says”If one reads, one has a fighting
chance. Or better, one’s chances of survival increase with each book/article
one reads”. Reading helps us to
understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and
friendship mean: they show us how to live and die
Reading heals the heart, the Doctor or Nutritionist will not provide you with all the information you need as regards your health. You have to help yourself to know your do's and dont's, how to improve on your health. You don't have to go to the hospital to learn about First Aid treatment, you can read about it online and apply it, thereby saving a life on application of what you have read.
Reading helps boom your finances, create ideas,
sincerely I can’t go on and on but when you fail to read, what happens? One
becomes a time bomb about to explode beyond repairs, a sickness without cure,
Ignorance becomes the logo even God acknowledges it in Hosea 4:6.
God acknowledges reading. The world is created by the word and the rules that guide
the world are the word written by God and given to man to read and internalize Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
Imagine the world without rules and laws read out and transferred to generations. What will become of today?
Imagine the world without rules and laws read out and transferred to generations. What will become of today?
Information is power, not your Neighbor, Leader or Relative.
My recommendation to this chronic
disease called “Reading” is never to
take it for granted, engage in it, no matter how small it is, you might just be
a step away from your solution. Reading saves lives, increases life span of people,
gives hope, booms your finances, gives you the technique of a better life, and
tells you how to manage a man or woman and many more. Sit up and get ready for Nutritional information about to come
your way.
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