Wednesday, 9 March 2016


I’m sorry I have been a way for a while anyway it has been in the interest of goodies. To all who have reached us on mail, calls e.t.c we appreciate you all.

Gradually, we are getting there. Nutrition to many people is regarded as healthy foods but healthy meals are a necessity of a balanced diet. Individual cells can only benefit from good nutrition if the food in the diet is broken down into building blocks small enough to absorb. These nutritional building blocks must then be distributed throughout the body then metabolized, with crucial nutrients assimilated into the cellular machinery and waste Products eliminated.

Nutritionists understand this distinction well. In other words, diet is what we eat but nutrition is actually what our cells eat. So diet could include your meals, smoking, and alcohol, consuming chalk or charcoal, inhaling toxic pesticide etc as long as you consume it.

Nutrients pass through six separate and distinct stages as our body works to support nutrition in each cell. These stages must operate efficiently to attain optimum nutrition for the entire body. A slight breakdown in one of the stages could reduce our chances for optimal health.

It consists of all foods, liquids and supplements that we consume daily. A good diet is the first step to making sure our bodies receive proper balance of nutrients necessary for optimal health. Our diet more times falls short of the nutritional ideal.

This begins with chewing and includes the action of acids and enzymes. It is the process by which diet is broken down into simple substances that the body can use for energy and in support of cells. For instance; Lipids, Proteins and carbohydrates are broken into fatty acids, amino acid and simple sugar building blocks respectively.

This is the process by which the products of digestion; simple sugar, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and so on pass through the lining of the intestinal wall and are taken directly into the body’s circulatory system

Transporting the absorbed nutrients to each cell of the body is the role of circulatory system. We may eat properly, digest properly and absorb nutrients properly but if our circulation is impaired, nutrients may not reach the cellular destinations. It ensures that blood gets to every cell to pass on the nutrients.

This is a delicate process by which nutrients are passed through the membranes which surround each living cell. For the body cells to grow, repair and rebuild themselves, proper assimilation is necessary. For this process to take lace, cells especially their membranes must be healthy. Many scientists believe that aging of organs and tissues occurs when cells deteriorate faster than the body can repair them. For cellular repair to take place there must be proper assimilation of nutrients. This is the reason why lipids and sterols are vital for the body.

Whatever has a beginning must surely have an end. The final stage of nutrition is the efficient elimination of waste from the body. It begins at the cellular level and is completed through many other metabolically active areas such as the skin, lungs, kidney and colon. It is essential that waste is completely and regularly eliminated from the body. Just as all nutrients used in the body are utilized in combinations, the six stages of Nutrition are inter-related. Each one influences the activities of the others.

In our next article we shall be talking about how our diet causes chronic diseases and possible remedy.

For Nutrional consult/advise, diagnosis, Slim and Trim, Chronic diseases etc, feel free to reach out to our hotline 07080226027 or send an email to, BB pin 23BC53E6

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