Saturday, 10 December 2016


I promised not to stop on my previous article on the causes of infertility. Infertility is widely becoming an issue in our homes. I hear parent’s advice their children to ensure they test their partners (sexually) before confirming her as a wife or taking her to the altar. Where is LOVE? Story for another day. Let me stick to my niche. There are so many other factors which could lead to infidelity ignorantly, let’s examine some here.

A lot of clinical research has been done to this effect showing that stress creates a lot of vicious cycle of messed up hormones that help sabotage the male fertility on different levels. Starting from different important hormone centres in the brain (Pituitary gland and Hypothalamus). Excessive stress affects testicular cells which oversee sperm production process. The end result is a decrease in testosterone level which thereby, affects sperm production. The hormone imbalance could leave sperm and sensitive testicular cells exposed to free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals are never kind as they destroy whatever they touch in our bodies, so having sufficient defences against them is the baseline for long term health.
Hence, you are advised to seek for any stress-relieving modality that will fit your schedule. Meditation, relaxation, exercise and distressing modes should be applied to your routine to help boost your sperm.

Excessive Heat
Have you tried imagining or asking yourself a question as regards why you have the testicles below the abdomen. The answer is not far-fetched as the sperm is sensitive to heat and even the body temperature can sabotage its efficient production. So you need to avoid things that raise scrotal temperature. Having hot baths, using heated car seats, electric blankets should be avoided if you’re planning to have a baby. Tight Fitting underwear is clearly a hindrance to sperm production and motility. Opt for loose fitting underwear and pants. They are conservative but an effective way to lower scrotal temperature and boost production.

Heavy Metals and Toxins
This is one of the fastest ways to poison the sperm and drop sperm count very fast. Toxins could come from food, the air (If you work or live in a sealed exclusively air-conditioned building) or even water. Apart from trying to eliminate the possible sources of toxicity in your life like checking your water, food, also ensure that you have a good detoxification program which will help you get rid of the toxic burden. You could contact your Nutritionist for help.

Drug Use
Anabolic steroids taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth can cause the testicles to shrink and decrease sperm production. Use of cocaine or marijuana might reduce the number and quality of your sperm. The bouncers would explain better.

Certain occupations are linked with a risk of infertility, including welding or those associated with prolonged sitting, such as truck driving, customer service jobs etc.

Obesity can impair fertility in several ways including directly impacting sperm and by causing hormone changes that reduce male fertility.

 In summary, I will just give a brief list of factors which could lead to infertility below:

  • Smoking 
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Using certain illicit drugs
  • Overweight
  • Having certain past or present infections
  • Stress
  • Being exposed to toxins
  • Overheating the testicles
  • Having experienced trauma to the testicles
  • Being born with a fertility disorder or having a blood relative with a fertility disorder
  • Having certain medical conditions, including tumors and chronic illnesses
  • Undergoing cancer treatments, such as radiation
  • Taking certain medications
  • Having a prior vasectomy or major abdominal or pelvic surgery
  • Having a history of undescended testicles

You could consult your Nutrionist or Doctor for help. We are presently offering a 20% discount on every service or items bought at teetalkshealth. Visit our Contact page for more info.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Women in every home tend to take the blames for infidelity or fertility in a home hence, majority of fertility treatment are for women but truth must be told, men tend to have more of the problems, not female. Low sperm quality is becoming a norm among men globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 recently adjusted the reference values of what should be considered normal sperm clearly reflecting the significant drop in the average sperm quality in populations around the world.
Our modern way of life is taking a toll on our health and that is a fact, the toxins we are exposed to through our food, water or air and of course inappropriate diet, some of our technology based devices cannot be left out. Luckily for the men, sperm count, motility and morphology can indeed improve fast because it responds well to our life style and diet.
To improve the quality of your sperm and increase the quantity, the following tips are a starting point for improvement.

Caffeine, Cigarettes and alcohol are very popular lifestyle and part of our modern urban culture. Unfortunately research has proved that they decrease conception rate and harm fertility. If you are an addict of coffee and a few drinks in the evening after work or during work, you are advised to cut back on these habits as much as you can. You will be doing your sperm a very huge favor. If you must stick to coffee, I recommend the ALKALINE COFFEE as it is free of caffeine, helps boost sperm motility and increases your sexual strength.

Especially in this part of the world, we take exercise for granted. Exercise helps solve lot of our health problems consciously and otherwise. Regular exercise helps boost fertility in both male and female. An inactive and sedentary lifestyle are relative to a lot of bad health which results to diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension or Obesity which are more than certain to reduce fertility. Moderate exercise helps you to relax and normalizes male hormones which in turn help the body produce better quality sperm. Exercise helps with blood sugar metabolism, which is essential for optimal sperm production. Work out your heart and muscles on a regular basis at least 3 to 4 times per week and you are sure of being a baby making machine.

Testicular cells and sperm are vulnerable to oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Life in the city is stressful and hence you require additional antioxidants. This is why many male fertility boosting supplements are essentially based on providing large doses of strong antioxidants. Selenium and zinc are minerals with major antioxidants. Vitamin C and E are well known for battling oxidative stress on a cellular level. A good quality supplement like C24/7, COMPLETE and many others will help.

You could visit our contact page for help. Get ready as we continue speaking on how to improve fertility for male and female in our next edition…

Sunday, 13 November 2016


I promised coming up with the other benefits of banana, if you have missed the first edition, you have not loosed out. The super food BANANA is useful for everybody, ranging from fat people, pregnant women, people with some deficiencies in vitamin and even if you’re not lacking vitamins. Let’s set the ball rolling quick.

Do you know that banana should be the first choice of fruit for pregnant women? Waoh, it is full of nutrition required for the proper growth of the fetus. It alleviates the morning sickness during pregnancy and increases the sugar level in the blood. I think that answers the question of why some babies are so small at child birth.

If you observe that you have memory loss or you forget things easily, I give you this clue, Eat lots of banana and you will be amazed at the result. Recent research has proved that students who consume banana a lot tend to have a higher level of concentration because it consist of a high level of potassium which triggers the brain thereby resulting to proper learning and long lasting memory
Now you know why some students are just too intelligent.

I will give you another shock. Have you heard of TRYPTOPHAN. It is found in banana. The compound stimulates the production of SEROTONIN which is termed as the HORMONE OF HAPPINESS.  It helps provide relief to depression and take away the bad mood. Meaning: give bananas to the DEPRESSED.

Let me give you some breather here and have fun with banana.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


The nuclear family is a new trend in the society with the husband and wife both busy with their routine office work, the singles are not left out because when you call for a date with a lady, you should know the best place to take her to. My lips are sealed here … A change in lifestyle has actually affected our eating habit. We rarely have time to cook food due to societal change. This situation has improved the fast food industry as these food items are ready to eat. In this fast life, Fruits and Vegetables have been rated so low in terms of consumption of food.

We cannot run away from the fact that natural ingredients provide the necessary nutrition required for the proper functioning of the body. A good example is Banana.
Do you know that consuming only two bananas a day for a month could significantly improve your health?  Nutritionist has termed banana as a super-food because of the numerous benefits one can gain from its regular consumption.

Health Conditions that could be treated through Banana.
Medical/Nutritional studies have proved to us that banana could actually take care of so many ailments ranging from heart disease, weight loss or obesity and many others. Let me crack your mind a little bit with its magic:

Regulate High Blood Pressure and prevent Heart Disease: Don’t take this for a joke, medical research has proved to us that the level of sodium is very less in banana, whereas potassium is very high. Consuming bananas everyday can help reduce the risk of heart attack or disease by 40% percent.

Effective for Weight Loss/Digestive system: Banana is a rich source of fiber. It helps make your stomach full for longer hours thereby, helping you manage your weight. If you’re interested in managing your weight, I advise you add it to your diet.

Instant Relief to Constipation: A trial will convince you.

Instant Source of Energy:  No little wonder a banana was thrown to Dani Alves on a field of play and he picked it up and ate it because he understands its usefulness to the body.
Usain Bolt, Messi, Ronaldo and others could testify to this as it’s the best fruit for a snack to consume before exercise.
It helps manage good energy level in the body. Plays your glucose role perfectly. Give it a try, anytime you feel tired or weak; take banana for a quick relief from fatigue.

Reduce Acidity in the body and get rid of Heart Burn: Take this information serious especially ladies. Many women cannot get pregnant because of a high level of acid in the body. I will not go deep into that information in this article but note that banana consist of antacid which works effectively to reduce the acid level in the body and helps get rid of heart burn.

Eliminates Cough: I’m sure you must be asking how come you did not know these all this while but now you know freely, that consuming banana regularly could help fight the seasonal common cold. It soothes sore throat and eliminates cough from the respiratory track.
I’m sure there are still lots of things you might want to read on the internet, so I will continue with more health benefits of banana in my next article as I will be briefing you of what banana has to do with your menstruation, pregnancy and much other info. I don’t know if it’s going to be positive or negative information but I’m sure it is going to help you.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Our environment gets congested everyday thereby increasing pollution. Human demand increases as the day goes by so also is our consumption and waste. We are surrounded with many virus and bacteria both in air and land which helps in increasing illness or chronic diseases around us.

Boosting your immune system is on a regular basis is very important as it helps you to stay healthy and protect you against all the unseen harmful organisms around you.

 Simple technique to boost your immune

  • ·          Ice cube -1 full tray
  • ·         Tap Water – half bucket
  • ·         Wool Socks – 1 pair
  • ·         Towel – 1

What to do:
  1. 1.       Take a half bucket of tap water and add ice cubes to it.
  2. 2.       Make sure the water is icy and do not add hot water to it.
  3. 3.       Put your feet in the icy water for 15 – 20 seconds.
  4. 4.       Wipe the feet using a towel and put on the wool socks.
  5. 5.       Use the remedy regularly every night to strengthen your immunity.

People who suffer from frequent flu infection should start using this method to boost the resistance power of the body.
This method have been tested and trusted without side effects thus you have no reason to be worried. It is the best method to strengthen your immunity.

Monday, 12 September 2016


 I was recently asked a question about rice, weight loss and gain and I decided to shed more light on it to the entire public. I found out that some of the best-tasting foods are actually some of the worst in terms of fat and calories. But it can be hard to avoid them especially at our homes or malls where nutrition information usually isn’t available. So I decided to list a few meals to educate my lovely readers.

White Rice
I’m sure eyes must be rolling now, this is by rating the most common and consumed type of meal. Many of us tend to assume that rice is healthy but the nutritional value of rice is actually dependent on the type of rice chosen. White rice helps your body to store excess fat that the body does not require and make it harder to lose weight. Rice has little nutritional value and it is hence advised to opt for brown rice if you want to boost your overall health. Brown rice is full of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients beneficial to the body. The fiber content in brown rice helps you to feel full and satisfied longer thereby reducing your tendency of eating much. The plant lignans in brown rice could also help in reducing the risk of developing heart disease. Brown rice is classified as whole grain meal which our body requires 50% of it every day.

White Bread
This might shock you, but it’s a fact. It does not have any nutritional value. It contains lots of sugar and doesn’t have the ability to keep you satisfied, so within a few hours your appetite craves for a meal. Research over a period of time has shown that white bread consumers are likely to gain unwanted weight over a period of time. Nutritionally people who are willing to slim down are advised to replace your white bread with whole grain or whole wheat whenever possible, as whole wheat bread is good for your health. Diabetic patients are hence are advised to keep off from white bread.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
This is a common sweetener that is often found in popular sodas, baked goods, pasta sauces and processed foods (for my friends who love junk meals). High Fructose corn syrup can quickly cause you to gain extra weight and even stimulate an increased craving for sugar or sugary foods. There are also justified concerns that overeating sugary foods and food high in fructose corn may even increase your risk of suffering from diabetes or developing other health problems. Due to the fact that high fructose corn syrup may increase triglyceride levels, it could also be linked to a higher likelihood of heart disease. Try to avoid any processed sugars and opt for healthier dessert options such as fresh fruits, water and berries. When it comes to finding alternatives to sodas that contain high fructose corn syrup, you have a few different options.

Cream-based Salad Dressings
Weight loss patients resolve to the consumption of salad as it is known to be nutritious and are low in calories but it is advised not to believe that all salads are healthy as they could turn the table around when it comes to weight reduction especially when they are drenched in cream dressing. These types of dressings indeed add a lot of flavor to salads make your meal enjoyable but it is crucial to remember that they contain lots of fats and calories which could undermine your attempt to shed excess weight.

Fried Foods
This is a common tale among people who are willing to shed weight but people don’t know the extent of how unhealthy it could be aside from increasing weight. Fried meals are associated with higher cholesterol and high blood pressure both of which diminishes your cardiovascular health and make you likely to suffer chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart attack or failure, heart diseases or strokes. Fried foods can also upset digestive system, leading to uncomfortable acid reflux and potentially exacerbating the cramps or gas pains associated with irritable bowel syndrome. If you want to improve your health, avoid frying your meals, you could rather bake or boil. It is often said that one French fry is worse for your health than one cigarette.

You could place your order for your weight loss pills, Call 070-8022-6027, Email:, BBM Pin:7A9BCEB2
For your FREE Nutritional Consultation: Call 070-8022-6027

Friday, 5 August 2016


Garden eggplant is a healthy vegetable with numerous health benefits essential for the human body development. This is a plant widely acceptable across Africa and Nigeria in particular. Garden egg fruit is beneficial and nourishing to the body because it’s richness in vitamin provides the body with both soluble vitamin and water soluble vitamins.


Regulates Blood Sugar
Garden egg has various diabetes fighting nutrients such as: quercetin beta carotene, genistein, curcumin which helps to regulate blood sugar through glucose absorption. It performs substantial part in controlling type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Improves digestive system
Consumption of eggplant on a regular basis helps to improve the digestive system, as well as deal with bowel problems. Eggplant also helps avoid colon as well as stomach because of the large quantities of potent anti-oxidants within it.

Essential for Skin and Hair repair
Ingesting sufficient quantity of water through water itself or even by means of food products just like eggplant are unable to just enhance the quality of the hair and skin, but the general functionality of the body.

Fights Asthma
It has been proven that it can be used in the control of acute attacks of asthma. This procedure is still under investigation.

Remedy to quit smoking
It contains small quantities of nicotine thereby helping smokers to fight against the addiction of smoking; it could be included in their diet.

Tackles Sleeplessness
A blend of honey and garden egg will help fight sleeplessness. Vitamin B complex can be found in garden egg which helps to get rest from both mental and physical stress.

Reduces risk of Heart disease
A powerful anti-oxidant called Nasunin found in Garden eggplant performs the process called chelation. The excretion of excessive and accumulated iron that can increase free radicals production which is called chelated iron associated with increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Nasunin lessens free radical formation with numerous beneficial results including preventing cellular damage that can promote cancer, protecting blood cholesterol or lipid or fat from peroxidation, reducing free radical damage in joints, which is a primary factor in Arthritis and Rhuematism.

Eliminate Free Radicals
Research from the University of California has proven that Nasunin found in egg plants protects against lipid peroxidation. The free radicals in the body grab the essential electrons from lipids and damage cells. This damaging action is known as lipid peroxidation. Consumption of egg plants can eliminate those free radicals.

Sustainenance of Bones
Egg plants consist of minerals such as magnesium, potassium and copper which is required to sustain powerful healthy bones.

Good for Proper Body Functioning
It is rich in folate, magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and copper for proper body functioning.

Prevents cardiovascular disease
Garden egg aids in flexibility of blood vessels and cardio protection. Garden egg help to relax blood vessels within the heart enhance circulation as well as help to keep cholesterol levels at balanced levels. The nutrients in eggplant additionally assist in preventing cardiovascular disease, cardiac arrest as well as heart stroke.

Good for Weight Management
The fiber in egg plant is high thereby making you fuller for a longer time and makes you consume less food.

It serves as a cholesterol reducing agent, controls cholesterol level.
You could place your order for weight loss consultation and pills by calling our customer service number: 07080226027, Email:, BBM Pin:7A9BCEB2 
For your Nutritional consultation, call: 07080226027.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


A good day is sometimes determined by our breakfast which provides a long lasting energy till noon. Nutrionists claim that breakfast is a very important aspect of our lives as it does not only set the pace for our daily routine work, it also sets the body metabolism of our body in active mode.

I have heard of people who are looking for weight loss, impose a compulsory religious FAST on themselves while some often make a mistake of skipping the breakfast. Sincerely, this have a reverse impact on your body/health and increases the unhealthy cravings for the day ahead. Taking care of your breakfast is mandatory if you are interested in weight loss.

Going through a quick study recently from Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Oatmeal was described as the best breakfast for weight loss patients. A research was conducted on 3 groups of 36 men and women.

The 1st group had oatmeal for breakfast, 2nd group had cornflakes and the 3rd had only water breakfast. The satiety of the groups was recorded after 3 hours. Their blood sample was taken to check the blood sugar and insulin level. All the groups were then given the same lunch after the test.
Based on the sample, the result showed that the group which consumed oatmeal had fewer cravings till afternoon and consumed 31% fewer calories for lunch. Oatmeal is a miraculous meal for breakfast for people with excess weight, it helps reduces around 50% of calorie consumption at lunch. Oatmeal has some beneficial elements which increases blood glucose level and makes it stay in the stomach for a longer time.
Oats is not just the combination of pulp and flakes, it is the tasty breakfast that goes well with any kind of meal. You can use it as a salad, stew or side dish depending on you.
Oatmeal and its health Benefits
·         Oatmeal is rich for the human body.
·         It consist of a high content of fiber which makes you feel full longer and helps reduce your cravings for meal thereby enhancing your digestion. Thus making it an ideal meal for weight loss.
·         It helps reduces bad cholesterol and LDL as the healthy fiber in oats binds to fat in your body which helps drop down the levels of blood cholesterol. It keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy and prevents cardiovascular disease as well as reduces the risk of heart stroke or failure.
·         Oats helps to reduce the risk of breast, colon, prostate and ovarian cancer according to British Medical Journal.

·         The vegetable fiber lignan found in oats is proven to lower blood pressure by 30%. Regular consumption is beneficial to reduce blood pressure.
World Health Organization(WHO) requirements is that we consume 50% of whole grain meal everyday which oats is one of whole grain meals compared 5% of carbohydrate, 10% of protein, 15% of fat and oil and 20% for vegetables and fruits.
Looking good and smart is serious business, let’s remain healthy without any hard efforts.

You could place your order for weight loss pills by calling our customer service number: 07080226027, Email:, BBM Pin:7A9BCEB2

Monday, 1 August 2016


One of the most common questions I get is how to lose belly fat.I stand to be corrected as a child making a wish of who you desire to marry, im very sure 99% of us will never indicate that we want our wife or husband to have a big belly. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waist lines are indicators. It takes more than just crunches! We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks downs lean muscle (the type of tissue that burns calories most efficiently) and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. That stress can even get WORSE with bad dieting; studies show that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction.
So how do you shape up? Incorporate these 6 things below and you will be on your way to a flatter belly in no time flat!

1. Sleep
If you want to work late at night, think again. When your biorhythms are off, you end up eating more. When you’re tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods. Losing sleep can also alter your hormone production, affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity, prime reasons for belly fat! Getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals.

2. Short bursts of exercises
1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will not get the results you really want. Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.For married people, engage in sex positions that will help burn out the calories of the belly(Contact me for more info). Please note that exercise is a continuous thing.

3. Sugar is your Enemy
Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and replacing bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar and a ton of protein that will satiate while also torching my sugar craving! Another great trick is your morning Livren coffee or oatmeal. It helps stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.

4. Vitamin C
When you’re under extreme stress, you secrete more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol spikes that happen to you under this stress. Besides being a good way to counteract a cold, Vitamin C is also essential for making carnitine, a compound used by the body to turn fat into fuel, making this vitamin your fat burning friend.
If you’re going through an emotional crisis, stress from work, or a bad eating splurge, increase your vitamin C – it’ll help counteract the negative side effects. Try bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These have even more Vitamin C than the famous Orange!

5. Eat Fat
Yup, you heard me! It takes fat to burn fat. Like I said above, it’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.

6. Slowing down your breath
This is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing something else. Whenever you notice you’re feeling tense and uptight check and see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become aware of your own breathing, consciously relax your belly and slow down the breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather than your inhalation. With each exhalation you can say to yourself “slow down”. That is all there is to it- Simple but surprisingly effective!!!

For further information, FREE Nutritional Consult contact us on 07080226027  Email:, BBM Pin: 7A9BCEB2